Thursday, August 27, 2009

Home again, home again, jiggety jig

. . . And it's pretty much the same. Except that the cat is trying to make up for 18 days without me by sticking her face in front of me every two seconds, and about 50% of the tomatoes were destroyed by caterpillars or blight or not enough water or all three. The first day of classes was yesterday but I'm on leave so I roll out of bed at 8 and spend the morning writing and listening to Bach in my pajamas. I feel kind of ill- like I'm playing hooky or I've got one long extended sick-day.

I've got to get out of here! And so I've devised a marvelous plan: who says I should spend my leave here just because I didn't get a fancy long-term fellowship? Here, where my house is full of distractions and I feel all wrong going to campus and hanging out around my colleagues who are not on leave, and thus envious of me? I have decided to try to sublet my place and move somewhere (avec chat) with bigger libraries, more rare books, more influential and important early modern scholars, and writing-friendly cafes, preferably late this fall, but I'll do January if I must. Can I afford it? Barely. But right now I think it might make a huge difference in my productivity and general happiness. Yes?


Sabbaticant said...

Yes indeed! Keep us posted with your on leave progress since, as you know, I am in the same boat, for a wee while at least.

Pantagruelle said...

Yes. No point staying there when you can be happier and more productive somewhere else. Screw the fellowships. Just make the most of the time off teaching.

hd said...

DC has big libraries, rare books, nice cafes, and, though he's not an important renaissance scholar (yet), one very cute little bald dude who's dying to meet you...

Pamphilia said...

Funny, hd, New York has a lot of the same things, but instead of a very cute LBD, there's an adorable beau . . . still, I definitely want to go to DC and see you and snuggle your LBD and of course spend some time chez Folger.

hd said...

i should have known--nyc wins every time! okay, we'll settle for a brief visit. can't wait to catch up in person...

Renaissance Girl said...

What a great idea. Happy will likely also mean more productive. Does for me.