Saturday, February 02, 2008

Who Was your Shakespeare Professor?

Today my mother forwarded me this '06 opinion piece from the New York Times, by one of my favorite writers and people, Lorrie Moore. In it, Moore explores why Shakespeare gets most of the credit for inspiring modern writing professors.

Which of course reminded me that my whole career might have been different, had I not been plucked out of my ninth grade English class where I was reading Roll of Thunder Hear My Cry for the third time since age 9, and deposited into the senior Shakespeare elective. I chose Shakespeare not exactly because I loved Shakespeare- I had recently played Ophelia in the local Kids-in-Shakespeare production -but because I had an enormous crush on the goofy boy who had played Hamlet, and I knew he was going to be in the class.

Anyway, here's Lorrie Moore's hilarious article from April 2006: The Modern Elizabethan

My thanks to Muse Maman for sending it to me this morning!

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